We’re thrilled to host a meet-up for Visual Arts Plymouth (VAP) on Tuesday 5 July 2022, 3-7pm at Grow (14 Drake Circus, Plymouth). The aim of this informal drop-in session to recruit new members, including new directors.
Everyone is welcome. Whether you’re a local resident, student, artist or someone who just wants to find out what this creative Plymouth-based Community Interest Company (CIC) is all about!
What is Visual Arts Plymouth?
The vision of Visual Arts Plymouth (VAP) CIC is for Plymouth to be a place for art and artists of all backgrounds to thrive. VAP recognises and celebrates the blurring/merging of boundaries between creative practices. They celebrate and wish to embrace the array of groups, organisations and individuals bringing creative activities to Plymouth for health, wellbeing, enjoyment and social engagement as well as professional practice.
VAP’s main event has been the Plymouth Art Weekender and associated activity, However, the future is wide open to suggestions. VAP is facing a moment of potential transformation. In order to sustain and grow our activities and become more inclusive and representative, they are currently seeking new members and Directors to help shape its future!
The search for new members and directors?
At present VAP have two long standing Directors who are ready to welcome and support new directors. We have a legacy of success and knowledge to share. Would you be interested?
VAP very much want to start where people are now and build on that. Skills needed include marketing and communication, finance, project coordination, educational and creative professional development, event management, etc.
The benefits are immense, personally as well as making an impact. Develop and share skills, contacts, ideas, funding, resources, social action, supporting each other to meet outcomes and even have some fun!
If you’re not able to commit to becoming a VAP director at the moment but just want to be part of this collective, the VAP team would still love to meet you!
If you would be interested in this opportunity or other ways to get involved, please come down to meet the team on Tues 5 July or contact Rhys or Ellen at vapdirectors@gmail.com